

Sunday, February 1, 2015

My heart has been touched today

I like watching random inspirational videos that I find on facebook, but none has touched me as much as this one has. I'm not even really sure why it has touched me so much, but I'm loving it.

I'm still running and still working toward my goal of completing a 5k. I still look forward to the day when I reach the finish line and can say that I did something that at one time I thought was impossible.

But I think I forgot what is was I was really trying to accomplish - learning to love myself...learning to be happy with who I am and not have to feel like everyone around me has to recognize my worth in order for me to recognize it in myself.

This young lady has overcome odds and obstacles that few people will ever truly understand. She loves herself and is working to spread the message of "unconditional love" with everyone who is blessed enough to listen to her sweet voice.

I want to be like this girl. I want to see the best in myself and also have the ability see the best in others. I'm so grateful for this reminder. It's so easy to become uber critical of the world around you. But we are all beloved children of our Heavenly Father. He is happy with my progress and loves me unconditionally, I have no doubt. He is also happy with every single person I come in contact with and loves them unconditionally as well.

Time to work to remember that.

Time to refocus.